Tom Nelson and northern trophy
Tom Nelson
Bow Hunting View
Hunting in a Stand
Welcome to Canadian Trophy Quest Ltd.
Now booking:
2026 Whitetail Deer Dates
Muzzle loader & Bow only
Oct 20- 25 (Sold Out)
Oct 27 - Nov 1 (Sold Out)
Gun Dates
Nov 3 - 8 (Sold Out)
Nov 10 - 15 (Sold Out)
Nov 17 - 22 (Sold Out)
Nov 24 - Nov 29 (Sold Out)
2025 Spring Bear Hunts:
May 5 - 10 (Sold Out)
May 12 - 17 (Sold Out)
May 19 - 24 (Sold Out)
May 26 - 31 (6 Spots left)
2025 Fall Bear, Duck & Goose Hunts;
Sept 8 - 13 (8 Spots left)
Sept 15- 20 (8 Spots left)
Sept 22 - 27 (8 Spots left)
Our exclusive 400,000 acre outfitting area is located in the famous "Forest Fringe" region of north-east Saskatchewan. Recognized as some of the best trophy whitetail habitat in the world, this vast area contains rich agriculture crops bordered by huge expanses of uninhabited boreal forest. This combination of fantastic nutrients and limitless security cover produces eye-popping bucks in a region with minimal access and corresponding low hunting pressure.
Note: We purchased an additional 16 tags that cover 300,000 acres.
We have exclusive access to huge tracts of farmland and Provincial forest habitat and hunting regions. Many huge bucks roam the crop land but it is also possible to hunt forest trophies that have never stood in a farm field. Access to these regions is by ATV or Argo and hunting these boreal bucks is a unique wilderness experience.
Deer Tracks on Field
Baiting deer is legal in Saskatchewan and is a popular and effective way to get a shot at a trophy. We scout year ‘round to determine big buck travel routes, feeding and bedding areas and favored rutting regions. Bait sites are carefully chosen; it is not simply a matter of "chucking out grain" and hoping they find it. Huge rubs reveal monster bucks living in a region and a bait selectively situated in their travel area will attract their attention and become a regular stop when they make their rounds. They frequent the baits to either grab a bite or a girlfriend, depending on the time of season.
Archery and muzzleloader season is the last two weeks of October. Rifle season joins in for an additional four weeks beginning November 4th. We also hunt trophy bucks by patterning travel habits and food sources, calling and rattling, or waiting near active scrapes, water sources or mineral licks. You’ll experience well-located and comfortable ground blinds (natural and/or pop-ups) or hang-on or ladder style tree stands set up under 150 yards for gun hunters and 20 yard shots are the norm for archery. Our guides are experienced and successful bowhunters and will work hard to make your Canadian whitetail adventure a resounding success.
Crossbows are allowed during deer season.